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Wilsonzxj ecc83 12ax7 tube(new)
« on: February 4th, 2018, 1:36pm »
amperex philips miniwatts ecc83 12ax7 14mm plate o getter--$130 test results--46/46, 46/48 http://s1076.photobucket.com/user/llczxjlpolsy/library/amperex%2
0philips%20miniwatts%20ecc83%2012ax7%20strong%20pair?sort=3&page=1 A nice tube that is identical to the Bugleboy tubes listed above, and were made in the same factory. These all have Heerlen, Holland. This is a sweet sounding, long lived tube
telefunken ecc83 12ax7 ribbed plate diamond bottom strong pair--$150 test result--45/47, 46/44 http://s1076.photobucket.com/user/llczxjlpolsy/library/telefunke
n%20ecc83%2012ax7%20ribbed%20plate%20diamond%20bottom?sort=3&page=1 t
elefunken ribbed plate have a very detail, wide soundstage, good bass. telefunken made one of the best 12au7, 12ax7, 12at7, you will not be disappointed.
tubes are tested on tv-7 tube tester use by U.S army and airforce where minimum good for 12ax7, ecc83 is 32/32. strong start around 40/40
interest call--91454638-wilson/ wilsonzxjtube@gmail.com overseas and local registered postage services are available.