Posts: 4295
I love YaBB 1 Gold!
wilsonzxj ecc81 12at7 6201 cv4024 M8162
« on: July 2nd, 2018, 9:22pm »
valvo 6201 ecc81 12at7 gold pin blue print strong pair--S160 test results--86/84, 86/90 http://s1076.photobucket.com/user/llczxjlpolsy/library/valvo%206
201%20ecc81%2012at7%20gold%20pin%20blue%20print?sort=3&page=1 Very rare Valvo Hamburg factory marked. These are the low noise audio screened, 10,000hr. rated heater life 12AT7, military spec like the 12AT7WA. These excellent tubes are very similar to the Telefunken ECC801S, at a big savings.
telefunken ecc81 12at7 diamond bottom strong pair--$90 test result--88/84, 88/88 http://s1076.photobucket.com/user/llczxjlpolsy/library/telefunke
n%20ecc81%2012at7%20strong%20pair?sort=3&page=1 telefunken made one of the best 12au7, 12ax7, 12at7, you will not be disappointed.
mullard m8162 cv4024 ecc81 12at7 great britain military Mitcham UK factory R code new old stock(nos) new in box(nib)pair--$80 test result--88/88, 90/88 http://s1076.photobucket.com/user/llczxjlpolsy/library/mullard%2
A step up from the standard vintage civilian 12AT7 tubes. military tough, and have that sweet rich British tube sound.
tubes are tested on tv-7 tube tester use by U.S army and airforce. Calibrated in U.S by Dan Nelson. where minimum good for 12at7 is 50/50. strong start around 75/75 and above
interest call--91454638-wilson or email me at wilsonzxjtube@gmail.com overseas and local registered postage services are available