Audio Basic
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JELCO TK-850S/M/L 9"/10"/12" KNIFE EDGE Tonearm
« on: April 11th, 2019, 5:28pm »
Dear Friends,
The full ranges o JELCO TK-850 series Tonearm has arrived ! Includes the latest range of 10" TK-850M , and both 9" TK-850S and 12" TK-850L.
F e a t u r e s : - Bearing for vertical direction equipped super steel metal KNIFE EDGE system. - This Knife Edge material is specially made of super steel, and have very stable and smooth operation. - This Knife Edge is precision hand made, and result is to have very low friction. - Designed Hi-mass type system, and deferent kind metal material used for anti vibration, those are very low gravity, and low gravity sound created from this. - Simple mechanism create good reproduction sound. - The tonearm geometry allows for a Baerwald alignments which is IEC recommendations. - This universal type counterweight can be used from 17 to 35 grs cartridge weight including head shell. - TK-850S is fitted with a standard head shell and can easily be changed with other standard head shell (cartridge). - This attached head shell can adjust the azimuth angle of the cartridge.
Price: TK-850S 9" - S$1500 TK-850M 10" - S$1600 TK-850L 12" - S$2100
TK-850S : TK-850M : TK-850L :

Audio Basic 1 Coleman Street #02-12 The Adelphi. Tel : 6338 3245