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  « Electrocompaniet ECI-5 mk2 and conditioner package »
February 17th, 2025, 12:08pm
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   Electrocompaniet ECI-5 mk2 and conditioner package
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   Author  Topic: Electrocompaniet ECI-5 mk2 and conditioner package  


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Electrocompaniet ECI-5 mk2 and conditioner package
« on: May 18th, 2019, 2:10pm »

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Selling both the integrated amp and famous Audience Adept Response power conditioner for $4000/Fixed.Package deal coz i really have no need for a second system.Both units are 1 yr plus and in mint condition.

1)Electrocompaniet Integrated amp ECI-5 MK2 for sale.Condition is MINT at 9.5/10.Unit slightly more than 1 yr old.Former flagship integrated amp of Electrocompaniet. Hardly used and not run in because it was in my second system and hardly had time to use it.Selling because i am clearing my study and sold most of my second system.Built like a tank, beautifully styled, warm, laid-back with thunderous bass and huge scale of presentation.120 watts it can drive most speakers well.Was 6$k plus new-new model just came out a few mths back.Check all the glowing online reviews.https://6moons.com/audioreviews/electrocompaniet2/1.html

2) Audience Adept Response Power conditioner aR-2OX for sale in black.In mint condition 9.9/10 condition.,comes with custom ordered, 2 outlet for British plugs to condition 2 components and audience's own award winning  6ft 10AWG AU 24SE-I power cord.adds pace, detail and clarity to your system and of course, removes background noise.Bought new at more than $4400.Selling because i sold my second system in my room.Perfect to condition a source and integrated amp.Audience conditioners are famous so,it doesn't need an introduction. Watsapp at 84885086.Lowballers pls stay away.Unit is 1 yr old.


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